6th European Recycling Conference: Recycling Today, Resourcing Tomorrow

Blue image with white and grey lines forming a circle and the words "6th European Recycling Conference"
Start/End date
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The 6th European Recycling Conference, organised by EuRIC in partnership with Assofermet, will take place on 26 September in Milan, under the heading 'Recycling Today, Resourcing Tomorrow'. This event will also celebrate EuRIC's 10th anniversary: a decade of commitment to circularity and sustainable recycling practices.

Industry leaders, policymakers and advocates are invited to come and consider what's been done so far and what needs to be done in future. It will be an opportunity to explore how recycling can preserve resources for generations to come and to network with like-minded individuals dedicated to driving circularity and shaping EU decision-making. 

Come to Grand Villa Torretta for an inspiring evening of celebration, knowledge-sharing and envisioning a sustainable future. The event will be followed by a drinks reception and a gala dinner.

Information and registration (early bird rates apply until 26 August)